Braden M. Weight

Braden received his B.S. in physics and B.S. in chemistry in 2018 and his M.S. in physics in 2020, all from North Dakota State University (NDSU). There he worked primarily with Prof. Svetlana Kilina (Dept. of Chemistry) in the simulation of optical properties of defected carbon nanotube systems. He also performed work under the supervision of Prof. Alan Denton (Dept. of Physics) on the molecular dynamics simulation of microgel particles, studying their structure and stability in the presence of effective charges in solution. During his M.S. he worked closely with Prof. Andrei Kryjevski (Department of Physics) implementing many-body perturbation theory techniques to explore multiple exciton generation in fluorescent carbon nanotube systems.

Starting in 2018, under the supervision of Dr. Sergei Tretiak and Dr. Brendan Gifford, Braden has had the opportunity to attend summer internships at Los Alamos National Laboratory, working in close collaboration with experimentalists Dr. Han Htoon and Dr. Steve Doorn at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. Through this collaboration, Braden works to answer questions regarding experimental phenomena using state-of-the-art computations involving time-dependent density functional theory and non-adiabatic excited state dynamics.

His interests in the Huo group were centered on light-matter interaction using non-relativistic cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) simulation of molecular systems. He was also interested in mixed quantum classical non-adiabatic dynamics and its applications to on-the-fly simulation. In both of these topics, he addressed fundamental questions regarding the methodologies and their effects on subsequent observables in a variety of molecular systems and situations. Leveraging the strong connections to Los Alamos National Laboratory, Braden worked closely with Dr. Sergei Tretiak and Dr. Yu Zhang on the simulation of polaritonic many-body method development and applications.

North Dakota State University

B. S. in Physics 2018
B. S. in Chemistry 2018

North Dakota State University

M. S. in Physics 2020

University of Rochester

M. S. in Physics 2022
Ph.D. in Physics (Expected May 2025)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Director's Post-Doctoral Fellow (Beginning May 2025)